Our purpose is to ascribe glory and honor to the living and true God. We have a passion for the glory of Christ to be manifest in Italy – that men, women and children would turn from their idolatry and superstition and receive and rest in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, as He is freely offered to us in the gospel. We desire people “to taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 35:8). We pray for the propagation of the truth and the perfecting of the saints in a land where the gospel light is faint.
First, we desire to preach Christ and Him crucified. Second, we hope to assist Italians to plant Italian confessional churhes where the Lord Jesus Christ alone is acknowledged as head of His Church. Third, we pray that the people of God would grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ and be holy even as He is holy.
* Preach Christ *
* Equip the Saints *
* Plant Churches *